Sustainace | The Sustainability Community

Masters of Science in Green Building.

Not Available
Financial aid available
18 to 36 months

Throughout the course, the participant will explore topics relating to building design, planning and retrofitting through understanding the theory behind the selection and use of materials, energy flows in buildings, site selection and preparation, waste management, project management and the building project life cycle. Some of the topics the participant will study will include:

  • Sustainability thinking and adaptation transformation planning
  • Building design, planning and retrofitting
  • Selection and evaluation of materials and sources
  • Efficient use of materials and energy
  • Attitudinal and behavioural issues of energy and materials use and control
  • Post-occupancy evaluation of buildings performance
  • Water and waste management

Policy and planning issues The MSc will end with a 60-credit dissertation which can include an individual design project comprising a technical report and critical evaluation, or a written thesis. This provides the opportunity to complete your studies by focusing on a building and design topic or project of your choosing.

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Core modules

  • Introduction to Sustainability and Adaptation
  • Sustainability and Adaptation Concepts in Practice
  • Sustainable Materials in the Built Environment
  • Applied Research Design
  • MSc Dissertation

    Optional modules
  • Ecosystems and Ecosystems Services
  • Introduction to Politics and Economics of the Environment
  • Energy Flows in Buildings
  • Cities and Communities
  • Low and Zero Carbon Buildings
  • Energy Provision
  • Circular Building
Skills Covered
Green Building, Energy Flows in Buildings, Efficient use of materials and energy
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Masters Degree
Course Type
Centre for Alternative Technology
Offered By
Recommended experience
Full-time or part-time
Sustainable Materials & Manufacturing
£9,350 for Home Students and £12,000 for Overseas students
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