Sustainace | The Sustainability Community

DCC’s Biodiversity Fund

Currently Accepting Applications
Currently Accepting Applications
Program Type
Government Grants
Grant Range
Equity Dilution
Program Charges
Not Available
Program Structure

Grants awarded through the regional programme apply for up to one year.DCC’s Biodiversity Fund DCC
Overall Purpose: Enhance the condition and extent of indigenous biodiversity within Dunedin City.
Target Audience: Landowners and community groups committed to protecting and managing indigenous biodiversity.
Grant Funding:
Cost-Sharing: 50% applicant contribution, 50% DCC contribution (up to a maximum of $5,000 from DCC).
Eligible Project Activities:
Native revegetation plantings
Animal pest control
Weed control
Fencing of native forest remnants
Native fauna enhancements (e.g., fish-friendly tidal flood gates, bird roosts)

Program Criteria

Project site within Dunedin city limits.
• Direct benefit to Dunedin's native biodiversity.
• Aligns with Te Ao Tūroa Strategy (ecosystem services, biodiversity increase, ecological restoration).
• Specific site (not entire city or general areas).
• Complete application with detailed plan.
• Demonstrates long-term project viability (pest control, weed control, etc.).
• No outstanding DCC Biodiversity Fund grants for applicant or site.
• Revegetation with eco-sourced native plants suitable for the site.
• Complies with regulations (e.g., flood protection bylaws) and has permits.
• Applicant is a legal entity (including individuals) meeting grant conditions.

Additional Details
Biodiversity & Conservation
Program Mode
New Zealand
Geography Consideration
Apply Now

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