Sustainace | The Sustainability Community

Re+ Circular Economy Grant Program

King County Solid Waste Division
Currently Accepting Applications
Currently Accepting Applications
Program Type
Government Grants
Grant Range
Equity Dilution
Program Charges
Not Available
Program Structure

Waste Prevention: Projects that reduce the amount of waste generated in the first place.
Reuse: Projects that encourage the reuse of materials and products.
Recycling: Projects that improve or expand recycling infrastructure and markets for recycled materials.
Organics Recycling: Projects that focus on composting food scraps and yard waste.
Priority Materials:

  1. Plastic
  2. Paper
  3. Organics (including food waste, yard waste, and wood)

**Rationale: **These materials represent over 65% of the materials of value sent to Cedar Hills Regional Landfill, prioritizing them helps divert a significant portion of waste from landfill.

Program Criteria
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Fiscally sponsored organizations
  • Businesses
  • Self-employed individuals
  • Tribal governments
  • Universities/colleges

Projects led by or informed by frontline communities and addressing disparities in King County.
Non-profits and other organizations led by frontline communities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Additional Details
Circular Economy
Program Mode
Geography Consideration
Apply Now

Related Funds & Grants

Sustainace | The Sustainability Community
Zero Plastic Waste Initiative
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Pembrokeshire Carbon Reduction Grant
Pembrokeshire County council