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MSc Environmental Modelling and Data Analysis

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One year

University of Bristol's MSc in Environmental Modelling and Data Analysis: Gain expertise to solve environmental challenges like climate change and flooding.
Top-Ranked Program: Taught by world-leading researchers in Bristol's renowned School of Geographical Sciences.
Master Environmental Modelling: Learn to build and use models to simulate environmental systems.
Data Analysis Powerhouse: Develop skills in analyzing complex environmental data from satellites and beyond.
Uncertainty Understood: Gain critical skills to assess model limitations and reliability.
Scientific Programming Proficiency: Master the coding needed for environmental data analysis and model building.
Geospatial Science Advantage: Develop skills in GIS, satellite data analysis, and broader data science techniques

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Core Courses:

  • Environmental Modelling Applications
  • Earth Systems Modelling
  • Introduction to Scientific Computing
  • Geospatial Analysis (Choose one):
  • Mapping and Modelling Geographic Data in R
  • Introduction to Geographical Information Systems/Remote Sensing

Elective Courses (Choose two):

  • Wide range of options offered by the School of Geographical Sciences

Examples include:

  • Data Science and Machine Learning in Geography
  • Climate Change: Science and impacts
  • Quantifying Climate Risk
  • Urban Analytics and City Science
Skills Covered
Skills for Change: Analyze data, understand climate science, and apply statistics to environmental issues.Policy Powerhouse: Critically evaluate environmental policies and governance structures.Real-World Ready: Gain practical skills in project management and communication through consultancy projects.Research Rockstar: Conduct independent research and contribute to environmental debates.
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Masters Degree
Course Type
University of Bristol
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Recommended experience
One year full-time or Two years part-time
Green Economy & Sustainable Business
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