Sustainace | The Sustainability Community
Catalyst is a Masdar and BP jointly organized startup technology accelerator focused on sustainability and clean technology in the region.
Organization Name
Masdar City
Up to 12 Months
Program Structure

The program does not have a set training program, as the startups have very different needs and are at various stages of development. So, they find mentors for their specific needs.

Funding & Benifit
Program Charges
Equity Dilution
Investment Range
Not Available
Program Criteria

Catalyst aims to support sustainabilty focused startups. Through its team and investment committee they evalute promising startups by looking at the Founding team, Technology/Product Readiness, Sustainability, Economic Viability, Growth & Scalability.

Startups must 

  • Must have an MVP/proof of successful pilot
  • Startup established for no more than 2-3 years
  • Significant positive impact on the environment fits within Catalyst’s focus areas including Energy Efficiency & Renewables, E-Mobility, AgriTech etc
  • Must present a timeline on future models and/or systems, further development plans
  • Clearly-defined target market and segment of customers
  • Promising target market (TAM, SAM, SOM)
Additional Details

There is no set deadline, the application is rolling throughout the year.

Startup Accelerator
Program Type
Any Stage
Startup Stage
Program Mode
Minimum Viable Product
Revenue Stage
Geography Consideration
Not Available
Cohort Size
Apply Now

From Research Desk

Sustainace | The Sustainability Community
Greentech Asia 2024
May 10, 2024
May 10, 2024
Greentech Africa 2024
May 10, 2024
May 10, 2024