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Sustainability in Action Bali 2024 Hackathon

Unite for Indonesia's Sustainable Future: Hackathon Tackles Environmental Challenges.
Livit Hub Bali
Organized By
The Sumati Group, CIRCLEISM, CodeCo

Bali Hackathon: 4 Days to Solve Indonesia's Environmental Challenges

  • Day 1: Learn, Team Up, Strategize
  • Days 2 & 3: Develop Solutions with Expert Mentorship
  • Day 4: Pitch, Present, Win & Celebrate.Data
  • Trove: Dive deep into exclusive environmental datasets and resources, fueling hackathon solutions.
  • Knowledge Blitz: Sharpen skills with workshops and lightning talks on cutting-edge technologies and sustainability best practices.
  • Networking Nexus: Forge valuable connections with like-minded individuals and established industry professionals.
  • Collaboration Catalyst: Explore potential future project development opportunities with team beyond the hackathon.
  • Exclusive Peek: Enjoy a unique tour of Kura Kura Island, a private haven for startups, innovation, and investment.
  • Showcasing Innovation:
  • Demo Day Spotlight: Captivate the judges and audience with a captivating presentation of project.
  • Deliverable Essentials: Prepare a compelling demo, a clear pitch deck, and a powerful 10-minute live pitch.
  • Prototype Prowess (Bonus): Earn extra points by wowing the judges with a functional prototype.
Prize Details

Top 3 Win Big: Present at Global Summit!

  1. Showcase your solution at CIRCLEISM Global Summit (Bali, June 20-23, 2024).
  2. Gain recognition & network with industry leaders.
  3. Foster collaboration & elevate your project's impact.
Participant Criteria

Open to All Changemakers:
Organizations (national/international)
Developers, Programmers
Designers, Artists
Entrepreneurs, Innovators
Individual Application (Short):
Resume (English/Indonesian)
Project Interest Statement (1 page, English/Indonesian):
Top 2 task choices
Relevant experience
Initial ideas
Organization Application (Short):

  • Project Description (sustainability/environment)
  • 3 biggest challenges you face

Reduce & Reuse Revolution: Design a campaign or system to dramatically reduce waste generation and promote reuse at the household, business, or community level.
Landfill Lifeline: Engineer a solution to extend the lifespan of existing landfills or create alternative waste disposal methods that are efficient and eco-friendly.
Waste to Wealth: Develop innovative technologies or processes to convert waste into valuable resources like energy, compost, or recycled materials.
Policy Powerhouse: Craft effective policies and regulations that incentivize waste reduction, promote responsible waste management practices, and encourage stakeholder collaboration.

Additional details

Full attendance throughout the event is mandatory. Otherwise travel costs (including airfare) are not covered

30th May-2nd June

Hackathon Date


Who Can Participate

Livit Hub Bali

Entry fee

Indonesia Green


Enroll Now
Registration ends by:
May 10, 2024
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