Sustainace | The Sustainability Community
Norrsken Accelerator
Norrsken Accelerator backs global startups addressing urgent issues in healthcare, education, sustainability, and social justice. Prioritizing ventures aligned with UN SDGs, it leads impactful innovation worldwide as the top accelerator for impact startups
Application Closed
Application Closed
Organization Name
March 31, 2024
8 Weeks
Program Structure
  • Individualized Support:
  • 1:1 Mentorship: Gain invaluable guidance from seasoned and accomplished entrepreneurs through brainstorming sessions.
  • Peer Feedback Sessions: Exchange ideas and receive constructive feedback from fellow ambitious founders.
  • Sharpen Pitch:
  • Weekly Pitch Training: 3-minute pitch with expert trainers and investors for maximum impact.
  • Specialized Learning:
  • Optional Group Sessions: Choose from a variety of workshops designed to address common entrepreneurial challenges.
  • Thrive in a Collaborative Space:
  • 24/7 Workspace Access: Fuel entrepreneurial journey with uninterrupted access to Norrsken House, a workspace designed specifically for entrepreneurs.
  • Unwind and Connect:
  • Pizza Nights with Inspirational Founders: Enjoy delicious food, inspiring talks, and build connections with fellow entrepreneurs during these networking events.
Funding & Benifit
Not Available
Program Charges
Equity Dilution
Investment Range
US $125,000
Program Criteria
  • Impact
  • Intentionality: Companies must demonstrate a clear and intentional positive social or environmental impact as a core part of their mission.
  • Scalable Impact: The company's business model should ensure that its impact scales automatically with business growth.
  • Sector Agnostic: invest across all UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are open to companies from any industry.
  • Business Model & Technology
  • Technology-Driven: The company must leverage technology to solve the identified problem and achieve its impact goals.
  • Business Model Integration: Positive impact must be a fundamental and non-negotiable aspect of the company's business model.
  • Stage
  • Early Stage (Preferred): Ideally, companies should be in the pre-seed stage with a validated market opportunity, a clear path to market, and a minimum viable product (MVP) under development or already built.
  • Open to Later Stages: open to considering companies beyond the pre-seed stage for investment and support.
  • Geography
  • Global: Applications are accepted from anywhere in the world.
Additional Details
  • Investment: $125,000 for 7% ownership (post-money) via SAFE.
Startup Accelerator
Program Type
Pre-Seed Stage
Startup Stage
Program Mode
Minimum Viable Product
Revenue Stage
Geography Consideration
Not Available
Cohort Size
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